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There are millions of independently published books per year, according to the most recent Bowker statistics. For any author, that meant A LOT of competition. So how can an author stand out from the masses? An Indie Reader Pro book review can help your book stand out from the competition, improving its chances of being discovered and being successful. offers professional Book Reviews to Indie and self-published authors. Get access to useful tools that will help you boost your book’s credibility and make it discoverable by the audiences. Join the newsletter for a 10% Discount on your first book review. Be the first to hear about upcoming sales and early Black Friday Deals. Redeem exclusive IndieReader Coupon Codes for even bigger savings on every next book review. Submit your book before it gets published, and you’ll earn $50 in credit. Pick a Standard Review or Rush Review and give your book a professional edge. A Standard Review makes a great Father’s Day Gift with a 7-9 week turnaround. Score 4+ stars on your review to be featured in the monthly “Best Of” on

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